Sunday Stuff #003 - A Diet Problem


We’re in the middle of a health epidemic, too many people today are struggling with weight and their health is in real danger. We all know that carrying excessive weight increases your likelihood of things like Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease. But did you know it also increases your risk of mental illnesses such as Depression and Anxiety?

We get it. We’ve never had so much information at our fingertips. It’s information overload, and when it comes to health and wellbeing, it can be overwhelming. We live in an age where people only want fast results and don’t often think of how to maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can follow any FAD diet and get the results that you are after. We bet you or someone close to you has tried one, be it Atkins, keto, low carb, vegan, lemon detox, low fat, carnivore...the list goes on.

The problem with these diets i the fact that they are called ‘diets’ in the first place, and what do we associate with the word ‘diet’?

  • Start and end date.

  • Food restriction.

  • Suffering.

  • No social life.

  • Weight loss targets.

  • Eating ‘clean’.

  • ‘Healthy’ foods.

Don’t get us wrong, the problem with dieting is not that it doesn’t lead to results, in fact 85% of people who follow a diet will lose weight, and that’s great! But did you know that over 95% of those people end up putting all of that weight back on? In some cases, even more weight than when they started!

There’s actually a scientific reason for this -your body learns, and it adapts, whether you like it or not. When you go up and down in weight to such extremes, your body actually starts to predict that you’re going to try to lose weight and then gain weight again.

Here’s how and why...

  1. Defend - Ever suffered from a weight loss plateau? This is your body trying to defend you from further weight loss.

  2. Restore -Your body actually starts to learn how to gain weight even quicker than pre-diet when the diet ends, and you go back to eating ‘normally’.

  3. Prevent -Your body tries to reduce the chances of losing weight in the future. Your body will stop you being able to lose weight as easily as you did last time, every time you yo-

  4. yo it gets harder and harder.

This system reinforces itself every time you lose weight and then regain it. Losing weight is a stress on your body and it wants to protect you from the potential threat of losing too much.

That’s why we focus on four key areas when working with you to help revitalise your health.

The Four Areas

  1. Nutrition

  2. Stress Management

  3. Sleep

  4. Exercise

“Everything can be taken from a person but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—

to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way."

Viktor Frankl


Three benefits of removing carbohydrates from your diet.

# 1


We need to reduce processed foods from our nutrition, these are full of fillers, sugars and unhealthy fats. Removing carbs makes it easier to avoid these types of ‘foods’ (if you can call them that). This also allows us to stabilise our blood sugar levels and therefore our energy levels by eating whole, unprocessed foods.

# 2


Removing a food group = increases the need to be more planned and intentional with nutrition. This will also help increase your overall quality of nutrient intake through amino acids (protein) and vegetables - nutrients necessary for every process in the body!

# 3


Carbohydrate metabolism, or how we process carbohydrates is often not optimal when we carry excess body fat and therefore have a high level of inflammation in the body. Removing them for a period of time will re-sensitise our system for better processing in the future (fixing the engine).


Slow down for a minute. Close your eyes. Scan your body.

Where are you holding tension right now?

Take a deep breath. Relax.


Thai Chicken Cakes



  • 500g free-range chicken mince

  • 1 large egg

  • 1⁄2 cup brown breadcrumbs

  • 1 Tbsp fish sauce

  • 1.5 Tbsp red curry paste

  • 1 handful, finely chopped coriander

  • with stalks

  • 1 red chili, finely chopped (take out

  • seeds if you don’t like spicy)

  • 2 spring onion stalks, finely chopped

  • 1⁄4 tsp minced garlic

  • 1⁄2 tsp lime or lemon zest


  1. Mix all ingredients together in one bowl.

  2. Make 12-16 small patties by rolling them in hand and flattening them out slightly once placed on baking paper.

  3. Place in the fridge for 10-15mins to set.

  4. Heat 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil in a nonstick frypan over medium-high heat. Cook the patties until cooked right through.

    Enjoy with a green salad & a small drizzle of sweet chilli sauce.

Want to talk to a coach about your health and fitness goals?


Understanding Blood Pressure and Cholesterol


5 Traits of Clients Who Crush Their Goals